Friday, May 8, 2009

Radio is Crap

The only time i find myself listening to the radio is when i take the train and bus to college. I would give it up all together if only i remembered to keep changing the play list in my phone!

Today on HitzFM, the DJs asked people to call in to talk about their obsession with their friends MOM! FOR...MOTHERS DAY! EEK! and for mothers day? What the hell is wrong with them? This boy called in going on and on about his best friend's Mom and how "HOT" she was. Then they called up the best friend to tell him what his BEST FRIEND thinks, and then asked him "does you mom work out?".

It's just one of those things that we picked up from the movies i guess. Hot Moms are so in this season! Not that mom can't be HOT but to say HOT in such a way is just WRONG! Sounds so sexual...

HitzFM like every other radio station, plays the same songs over and over and over again and i know they have an obsession with anything Akon! *pukes*

FlyFM also repeats every single song, and only the new pop trendy ones.

RedFM is nice for the talking, at least when Will and Shaz were on in the mornings. A lot of talking but at least its a more intellectual than the rest. Nice songs too.

BFM has nice music! Its not a channel for music though i think, lots of interviews with CEOs and General Managers of all kinds of business, though sometimes interesting people come on. Lol but i do remember listening to a whole hour or so (couldn't get my phone out my pocket in the packed KTM) to the CEO of Mercedes Benz Switzerland or something, going on about safety and their marketing plans for the future...kept laughing to myself.

MixFM, i don't really listen to. Except when Preya is on, or asks me to listen.=P

Light&Easy very old and slow and soft songs nice at night when you want to sleep in the car!

MinnalFM A lot of talking too. Its like HitzFM in Tamil. And the gatal kepak songs i actually like are hardly on.

People In Train Today(PITT):

Sat beside an Indian girl, that was resting her head against the window the whole time, and had her songs on speaker!!! And she kept playing the same two emo Tamil songs over and over. And kept doing that clicking sound with her lips and was just REALLY into the song but DONT IMPOSE your songs on everyone else woman!! My Prince's 7 kept mixing with her emo Tamil songs, and it just spoilt the whole mood! She NEEDS headphones!!


  1. YES i do agree... the play the same hit songs over n over again!!!! almost every hours!!!! both fly n hitz!

  2. i didn't know u had a blog. link mine to yours.


  3. lol! i know man! urgh irritating ok! and really so dumb songs ok that gets repeated!!

    amir: lol, i dint know u had one too! =P
