Monday, May 4, 2009

And They Call It Puppy Love...

Oh I was bound to blog about it someday. It probably happens to every girl!

I can vaguely remember my last crush. 12 or 13 i think. But i cant remember it being NICE or a bed full of roses. All i got from crushes, were that they were horrible feelings that left you confused and obsessed and distracted! You constantly find yourself thinking of this boy, with his perfect hair and perfect dress sense. And you've got a test tomorrow but all you see when you open the book is his face and the day-dream of him talking to you in school tomorrow. Cliche i know, but its absolutely true!

And at that moment, everything in the world seems to ride on this one boy. THE boy. You find yourself happy when you're in school (though not actually talking to him) and depressed when you're at home! Every thought you have involves a swing and a big house and marital bliss!(not sure bout this part.) And you become incapable of doing anything! I bet if a survey was done, the reason some girls were the poor achievers in class, would be crushes.

I cant imagine the world being a nice nice place for a 13 year old girl who has a huge crush on the smartest boy in class or the first boy that said "hi!" to her in that awkward stage with the hormones and acne and all that.

And people don't make it any easier too i bet. The constant teasing and the laughing, that makes you blush and do the most ridiculous things to get his attention. Gosh, crushes are horrible!

Guys maybe have it easier? All the guys I've known to have crushes, either go up to the girl and make it known or very easily do those ridiculous things without a moments thought to it. Life might be a lot easier that way. Girls just don't naturally make the first move, and when they do, then they're desperate and cheap! So life's tough, especially when you have a crush?

I bet people much older have crushes too, but i think when you're older, you very easily just go up to the guy and ask him out. I'm not very sure if that's common too. There's the "ohh..what if he says no?" and "What if he says no, and i have to see him tomorrow at work?". Guys might be a lot better at rejection(since they do the "asking out" more often) cause I'm sure those question run through their minds too, but are probably dismissed a lot quicker at the prospect of a possible dinner.

I'm not sure if I'll ever ask a guy out. I might. But urgh , the pre- rejection questions! a NO would be the most horrible blow to my ego, i don't think i could recover! And then to see him and be all nice and curtsy? What could be a more torturous punishment! If in the event of a NO! the only thing i would want to happen is extinction, either his or mine from each other. That's something i should probably work on though, GIRLS should start asking guys out! And I'm going to work on that from now.....and who knows, maybe soon it shall happen? ;-P

1 comment:

  1. And who might that crush be at 12 or 13 years old?
