Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fair must be lovely?

I've always hated those commercials where the girl HAS to look a lot fairer just so that cute guy notices her. And one commercial has ALWAYS stuck in my head, Fair&Lovely! Absolutely ridiculous.

The whole commercial revolves around this made-dark girl being depressed because a guy doesn't notice her then suddenly her world becomes happy and sunny when she uses this product that made her as fair as she can be in 6 weeks? BECAUSE the guy FINALLY notices her! Yeah right, like us girls have nothing better to do then sit around waiting for a guy that may or may not notice us based on how fair we are?

The good news is i don't think they still run that commercial here in Malaysia but i remember the time when they did. And i also remember a very young friend of mine being so so so influenced by it, that she used it day and night and absolutely HATED anything dark, and thought no beauty could come from someone dark. It's a sad world when commercials can actually teach young girls to think that.

And a lot of F&L commercials are actually shot in India. Makes perfect sense i suppose since we are the most naturally inclined in having dark skinned girls amongst us. But why in the first place, or how did being dark be misconstrued into being a bad thing i never will know.

I certainly can name so many influential people who are dark, singers, actresses, activists, political figures, leaders.

But the troubling thing is when you "youtube" fair and lovely, you'll find so many Indian versions. I know a lot of Indians that think fair so very very well means you're the prettiest thing their eyes have ever seen. I know Chinese who think it's just plain wrong to be dark when you're a Chinese! Malays...not that much. But these are just based on the people I'm surrounded with.

Young girls everywhere should start feeling AMAZING enough about themselves to NOT associate themselves with the amount of skin care products applied on their faces. Being dark is OKAY because at the end of the day it only comes down the decisions and actions we've taken in life. If Tracy Chapman can go on to write politically conscious songs, then so can we all! If Oprah Winfrey can be the richest woman in the world, then so can we all! If Alice Walker can fight for women rights' then so can we all!!

A few links :


As if she was NOT pretty when she was dark?

Yes, cause NO dark news casters/reporters/VJs EVER exist!!

Okay, shes not even THAT dark to begin with, and she's dying for a guy to notice her in a temple?

And all three of them...HAS to have a guy inserted somewhere in the commercial to finally NOTICE us women!

WE are so above these!


  1. I like the way u express ur thoughts n I support ur view...WE need to learn to be appreciative of what we have...cheers!
