Thursday, May 21, 2009

Comparing Grief

It's always heart wrenching when your phone rings in the wee hours of midnight, ALWAYS! Because that could only mean one thing, something really bad or urgent has happened and you're getting THE call. I jump every time the phone rings after 12am, its just not a good feeling.

But the funny thing is, bad news is subjective. Grief is. Anyone who is anyone must admit that we all compare our grief. I most certainly do. It doesn't mean i don't feel bad or sympathise with them, but at some point, everyone must have gone "oohh, things are not THAT bad, there ARE worse things that could happen". And this is almost ALWAYS true.

Someone steals your laptop or handphone, but at least you're OK! Just flip through the daily newspaper and you can see hundreds of things worse off. If all you've lost is money, then really, count your lucky stars and move on! Get two jobs and earn it back.

Surely, having your car stolen, is far less trivial than the people out there who are being abused, raped, murdered ( DEATHS) and people suddenly becoming homeless as we read this. It has to be.

Comparing is never a good thing i guess, but its just funny how I'm pretty sure everyone does. That does not take away the sympathetic values of their concern or anything, but they do, i do.


  1. It is so easy to compare ourselves against others in every area of life, so why not grief, too? It is crazy, but we do all do it without even realizing it. I guess that best thing I've heard is that all losses are significant, and we can never say ours is "the worst" or "not worth mentioning"--it's a loss and it matters!

    Kim Carolan
    Author of Walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death

  2. Hey Kimberly,

    Yeah its true, everyones loss is the biggest thing to them, but to someone else it always seems lesser than their own, and i think its often for those who has lost someone.

    So i think people only mostly compare when well someone wallows cz they've been robbed but are safe and totally disregards the fact that they're SAFE, and theres someone else there, that has lost someone.

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  4. Happy belated birthday Geetha. Sorry for the late wish. Hope you'll have a blast year ahead. Take care and all the best to you!
