Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Video Drama

Its the weirdest feeling in the world seeing yourself in a video or hearing yourself on a recording!( I think i sound like a man on both) Recently i had the chance of experiencing acting in a human rights video, with some really talented actors. The two of us who were just the backdrops of the whole scene really were sooo out of our league. I had ONE line to say, and it was the most nerve-wrecking thing i had to do!lol, there were times when i was so focused on the other actors(they were so good and FUNNY!) that when it came to my cue, i just stood there like an idiot!! was really just quite different, never have i ever acted! But it was amazing fun! We all took turns on the camera(shooting), the pillow-throwing!!, the mic holding and the time score think that so much goes into such a short production!gosh, and after the master scene(taking the scene on the whole with everyone int he frame), there was the close-ups, at one point they even did a close-up on our hands!!hehehehe, that was the most conscious I've felt of my hands, i made sure i positioned my watch so the crack on the glass would not show and the nicer, brighter part of my strap was facing the camera!(it looked great int he brief time our hands were shown int he video) then the editing! After being edited and all that, very little of our hands were there, but a friend of mine impressively clearly saw that brief that worked out good! I think we were there from 7pm to about 12am...shooting and cleaning up after and setting it up and all.

Actors, people in the arts are..interesting. Liberal, about everything and anything, no comments were INAPPROPRIATE or WRONG, everything that came to mind were just said, really quite a breath of fresh air, well if only i was more like THAT. I do say whats on my mind, but errr...half of the things that were on their mind are almost rarely on mine. Mostly, sex or some variation of it. Lol, had a friend that told me "almost everyone in the liberal arts are so sexually liberal, except you geetha" hehehe, it was a different kind of conversation to be apart of. But ti was so much fun working with these professional actors, all so down to earth and with amazing stories. All of them were actors that were involved in more comedic plays, so the video was obviously funny! But yeah, just listening to how it all got started for them and the risks they take in actually pursuing the career. Wow! I probably wouldn't have the guts to do it if i wanted to, without something to fall back to. And well, ONE line in a short video doesn't exactly scream stardom anyway!I hope i get to do it again sometime, one lines!lol...the simplest most rewarding thing in life!

Cringes when watching....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jumble Fiesta!

A good book makes so much of difference! I was reading Shalimar the Clown by Salman Rushdie, and it lasted a whole semester!!to get me to finish it, and the amount of torture i endured from my classmates of holding the same book in my hand. I finally finished it!And it was such a disappointment!urgh seriously....!Now I've finally started a new book (much to the excitement of my classmates) by zadie smith, on beauty..and its amazing how fast I'm making my way through it. ITs only been a few days and already I'm almost halfway through the book!and so far its been so much fun! I dint mind reading my books reeeeaaallllyyy sloooww cause i only get to read it on the bus or train to college. And since i hardly get to sit in the train, well its reduced to the 25minutes ride on the bus. Oooh Hannah has recommended Twilight,so that's something in the future!hehehe

Jumbles Sales!hehehe...never knew i loved them so much till i volunteered at a charity event here on Sunday!It was amazing fun!!the coupons, the shouting, the HEAT, the sweating, the EVERYONE!hehehe, one good thing about being apart of a charity organisation or any organisation for that matter, is that you're apart of this whole big community and everyone knows everyone. In the carnival, i hardly knew some people and i probably would not start such an elaborate conversation with any of them on normal circumstances but there was just something in the air i suppose,everyone spoke like we've known each other for a hundred years!and the "oh no its ok its ok, I'll help you do it!" lol, don't think I'm even that nice at home! (all you haters going : charity starts at HOME!I'm sure..)

So it's a nice feeling i gotta admit, being a part of a charity thing then a human rights thing, just wished i was had a better sense of time-management! It's either I get toooo involved in this and my studies go down the drain or tooo involved in studies(AHHHAAKK!) and this well gets a little backdated!...but right now, tings are going pretty level not at its peak, just moderate..the way i like it, have a REALLY bad feeling things are coming crashing down in a few weeks!just cause I'm liking the world and college(so many days off!) so much right now!

Ohhh, moment of the WEEKEND : Bought a punjabi suit for 3 ringgit, or well 3 coupon money!heheheh...woohoo!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bye Bye Happiness

My finals just ended on Tuesday...and the whole week we've all had to be in college and tomoro, tuesday our new semester starts. Amazingness really.

So i've been trying to make my last day of "holiday" count, and by that i mean lazing around completely COMPLETELY as in wake up really early JUST to laze around,sitting in front of the TV the whole day watching movies and movies only getting up for the loo or food. Urgh im totally disgusting on these days. After this, i've got another movie to watch .

Its just so silly that my new semester is TOMORO!not that i would want to celebrate the end of the last semester(exams were bad) but well it wud just be nice to have a break! I've got load of friends who LIKE that craziness, that business till you dont have time to catch a breath, I am not that person! I need spacee, the more the better...i like getting involved in stuff but at the right time so i get to do it at my own pace and do it well without being rushed or pressured.

So yeah, laziness today and back to being tired and just so class-ed out tomoro. A few friends are back from abroad so that was a nice way to end the day, dinner with friends.

I know absolutely nothing to blog about today.

Realised that i use SO a lot and LIKE a lot and OK a lot,lol..oh and LOL a lot, have an email buddy who notices that yeah!..LOL! oh and i rather type tomoro cause without the dictionary in my phone i think i would most likely spell it wrongly.

Oh oh my visiting lecturers that were down here a couple of days ago, said physiotherapist had horrible spelling, now i dont think im HORRIBLE but i can be pretty bad. Wow fact huh?

My sister got the job that she was hoping she would get for her chambering so thats a good thing. Bad thing is my house is cracking into bits and pieces and it gets worse everytime it rains and the developers are claiming not to be liable anymore since it started happening(been an on-going case for so long) after the first 7 liable years.Things are just saddening cause now there's the whole RENTING a new house and leaving our own house well just LEFT, to tumble and fall.The windows are actually slanting to a side and the glass has broken the ceiling is broken a little, the light is hanging on one side. My mom's room is an outdoor room now, cause there's a part of the wall where you can see through it into the street. I would post photos to add to the dramatic effect if i knew how...things dont seem to finish loading here.

Anywho, Pepper has moved in with us, well most nights anyway so it's a constant struggle to keep my room clean. Sweeping under the bed and mopping it ,for her. Impressive how she totally controls our lives , got us all wrapped around her cute little paw.Oh Peppy darling!

MY dog. Thats something i could blog about. Some other time some other post hopefully.

Now..... movie!

Tomoro...College begins!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Jai Guru Deva....Ommm

The Beatles were obsessed with India. Met the big guns,the gurus and all and sang this song for him ..well till he was accused of molesting a young girl...then they sang another song.

Right so... DEEPAVALI is near!and its probably the best time of year for me. Taiping, food makes you gain 10kgs, new clothes, family. there's absolutely nothing to NOT like about it. One small thing MAYBE would be that its always around exams of some sort. Last year it was STPM,this year its my 1st semester finals....but that doesn't change that it's Deepavali and strictly no books allowed!

So college has started, well for two days before it was back to having a break again.

Tuesday, i realised that i liked travelling on the train these days. Sure it's tiring and takes me almost 2 hours (1hours on GOOD TRAIN DAY) to get to college but it's not that bad. I've actually met quite a number of interesting people. Quite a number of strange people too. and Friends i haven't seen in ages. and "Friends" i DON'T want to ever see =). and Everyday something interesting happens on the train. oohh and KL central is trying the new cue system which is cool once you figure out where to cue. There's red lines and green lines and blue lines and the door always seems to open somewhere in the middle but i suppose its not that bad. Oh ohh and they have a new train-voice "kita telah tiba di stesen seputeh. We are arriving at Seputeh station" . i miss the driver saying it at times though cause when he(havent heard a female driver,hmmm) says it, it's all attitude! you KNOW it's been a GOOD day or a BAD day. and they add in a little pzzaass!I've actually started laughing to a few too. Automated voices, well leave nothing to the imagination.

Wednesday, Deepavali mood made me want to clean up the house a little. (i have to watch my words here in case my sister reads this ) it's amazing what semangat-ness can do. Thanks to it, my house smells like Ajax Fabuloso! I packed for my much much anticipated trip to taiping.

Thursday, my baking day (hopefully!) I try to make it a point to bake at least ONE item every year. Deepavali-ness makes me want to bake. Shockingly, i actually seem to enjoy baking a LOT, more than cooking anyway.. just simply for the fact that things you bake doesn't taste half as bad as things you cook when it goes wrong!heheheh...and that happens a LOT!

Friday. Travel day.

Saturday to Wednesday. TAIPING. There's nothing more serene and calm than Taiping. Everything there is just easy....The lakes, the traffic, the everything! It's always a vacation for all of us when we go back there. All i do is sleep and eat and eat and sleep. Oh i do jog more when I'm there, probably knowing the fact that it wont last long ;-) and places you visit once a year has a way of making you wanna do the impossible, make EVERY minute count! Back here, there's always tomorrow.

Next Week... pre-finals preparation! Eeeeekkk......Week After, finals.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Over Food

Not only did I get the idea of actually going through with blogging over a nice plate of chapati and chicken curry (DUH the name...taadahh**), but I'm starting to realise that everything GOOD in life, well my life has happened over food.

Outings with friends. Its impossible to get SO MANY important things out there while you're rushing for a movie or looking at a nice pair of jeans. But when we sit down for a meal, gosh we take HOURS to leave the place, even if our plates are getting dry. I can't tell you how many times most of my discussions have happened over some kinda meal. Talking about politics, religion, urgh-ing boys, and just about anything else under the sun.

Weddings. The BEST thing in a wedding for me, is definitely the FOOD, and probably for most of the people i know too. I think couples are actually JUDGED on it sometimes, cause it sure seems like a very big deal in Indian weddings. But it is, FOOD is the reason half of them are even there, i know that's true for me....IF i cant even remember who the people getting married are or if we are even related?

Birthdays. Every birthday, from 12 years old and above, we have always gone out for dinners. Frankly, it seems like the best present i could ever want. What says HAPPY BIRTHDAY more than a hot sizzling plate of sweet sour pork? lol, SERIOUSLY! Of course, i still love the gift getting but with family especially, dinners are always the best.

Celebrations of any kind. After STPM, we got together (cousins and all) and treated ourselves to a fancy dinner, well fancier than our usual MAMAK get-togethers. And the whole night was spent on talks about futures, crappy soon-to-results =P

Relationships. So I have this weird tendency of coming up with really weird "what-if" questions. I find myself knowing more about a person a lot more after like a series of these questions, just something i do. And I've noticed that these "talks" have all happened over food too. Recently, my two friends and i went out for some rojak and cendol, and wooowwweeee we were sitting there for hours and i found out so much about them that i had no idea about. The type of relationships they were looking for, the type of person they were to some extent, and just EVERYTHING. The only time i find it "appropriate" to ask someone about a relationship or a break - up is over some yum-yums. Well unless its someone I'd smack on the head for dating a male-chavounistic-pig!

Feel Good Time. So we've all heard about feel-good food, and I'm a true believer. Through some of my very bad times, low times, i think I've turned to food for comfort. Anything chocolate mostly, ice-cream! and it did make me a feel err "comforted". It did not make me jump out of my chair and do an Ellen - wakakakakah but i felt LOVED. It could be anything and it worked. Lol, that accounts for the two flabby chunk of meat hanging off my legs and ass.

Happy Tours. We went to melaka, on a clinical posting NIGHTMARE but that's a different story. Not that I'm foreign to melaka (got a close aunt there) but I'm probably foreign to the outside-food there. We usually stop by with just enough time for my aunty's amazing cooking. So, when my 3 friends and I were there, our weekends were just spent on EATING! And everyone asked us how melaka was when we got back, and we said, the FOOD was great! A lot of places are defined by its food too. Anyone from anywhere else calls, among the first things i ask them is "how's the food?" Malaysia is a wonderful place, cause of the FOOD! er, only the food?

Doggie Tricks. The only way we house-trained Pepper was by giving her treats every time she did something "good". The only way we thought her to "sit" or "shake hand" was by loading her up with her favourite biscuit every time she got it right.

So FOOD is my good place! when everything else comes crashing down i know where my mom keeps the chocolate chip cookies**

And what FOOD (amongst many other things) must mean to the suffering people in Africa or anywhere else around the world. Think of that too over your next meal, your next plate of 5 ringgit chicken rice, before dumping it into the trash.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Academic Papers

1500 word essay, on a topic that i've only heard about in one lecture. But i would probably get around to it eventually, inevitably. Now the thing i dont get is the "academic" writing that seems to be so so important. Yes i get it, you need facts to back your ideas, but EVERY idea? then where are the SUGGESTED ideas?

I look at my essay and it has got to be the most boring thing i have EVER written, not even something i would read if i saw it in a journal. Every two lines or so, i HAVE to refer.

And the research?!?!gosh, so you have LOADS of ideas of twisting and turning then giving it a hindi-movie ending, but no no...the RESEARCH alone takes up more time then the actually writing. And finding the research to MATCH your own twisted ideas? hmmm......

The days of 4am onlining i've done is quite enough to guarantee i use glasses the next week.

I get research , i get evidence-based, i get PROOF, but when then are we allowed SOME , just a TAD bit of creativity? To SUGGEST something? SUGGEST something that could be perceived to be mere common sense?

Right now, it just seems that every paper that is going to be written by me, are all just very professionally plagiarised pieces of work of some very VERY hardworking-researchful person who got their papers published in a journal.

Up , Up and Away....

Monday, October 6, 2008

Dawning of a New Blog

All my friends seem to have a blogspot thing going on.

I dont particularly know what to write or blog about just yet. But i figured i just HAD to do this. Let it just be here till i actually figure it out, over my NEXT chicken curry and chapati.

Holidays do crazy things to you! Anything to get my mind and attention away from my much more important work, my assignment!There ive started

The blogging begins ...... Hopefully =)