Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Academic Papers

1500 word essay, on a topic that i've only heard about in one lecture. But i would probably get around to it eventually, inevitably. Now the thing i dont get is the "academic" writing that seems to be so so important. Yes i get it, you need facts to back your ideas, but EVERY idea? then where are the SUGGESTED ideas?

I look at my essay and it has got to be the most boring thing i have EVER written, not even something i would read if i saw it in a journal. Every two lines or so, i HAVE to refer.

And the research?!?!gosh, so you have LOADS of ideas of twisting and turning then giving it a hindi-movie ending, but no no...the RESEARCH alone takes up more time then the actually writing. And finding the research to MATCH your own twisted ideas? hmmm......

The days of 4am onlining i've done is quite enough to guarantee i use glasses the next week.

I get research , i get evidence-based, i get PROOF, but when then are we allowed SOME , just a TAD bit of creativity? To SUGGEST something? SUGGEST something that could be perceived to be mere common sense?

Right now, it just seems that every paper that is going to be written by me, are all just very professionally plagiarised pieces of work of some very VERY hardworking-researchful person who got their papers published in a journal.

Up , Up and Away....

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