Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Over Food

Not only did I get the idea of actually going through with blogging over a nice plate of chapati and chicken curry (DUH the name...taadahh**), but I'm starting to realise that everything GOOD in life, well my life has happened over food.

Outings with friends. Its impossible to get SO MANY important things out there while you're rushing for a movie or looking at a nice pair of jeans. But when we sit down for a meal, gosh we take HOURS to leave the place, even if our plates are getting dry. I can't tell you how many times most of my discussions have happened over some kinda meal. Talking about politics, religion, urgh-ing boys, and just about anything else under the sun.

Weddings. The BEST thing in a wedding for me, is definitely the FOOD, and probably for most of the people i know too. I think couples are actually JUDGED on it sometimes, cause it sure seems like a very big deal in Indian weddings. But it is, FOOD is the reason half of them are even there, i know that's true for me....IF i cant even remember who the people getting married are or if we are even related?

Birthdays. Every birthday, from 12 years old and above, we have always gone out for dinners. Frankly, it seems like the best present i could ever want. What says HAPPY BIRTHDAY more than a hot sizzling plate of sweet sour pork? lol, SERIOUSLY! Of course, i still love the gift getting but with family especially, dinners are always the best.

Celebrations of any kind. After STPM, we got together (cousins and all) and treated ourselves to a fancy dinner, well fancier than our usual MAMAK get-togethers. And the whole night was spent on talks about futures, crappy soon-to-results =P

Relationships. So I have this weird tendency of coming up with really weird "what-if" questions. I find myself knowing more about a person a lot more after like a series of these questions, just something i do. And I've noticed that these "talks" have all happened over food too. Recently, my two friends and i went out for some rojak and cendol, and wooowwweeee we were sitting there for hours and i found out so much about them that i had no idea about. The type of relationships they were looking for, the type of person they were to some extent, and just EVERYTHING. The only time i find it "appropriate" to ask someone about a relationship or a break - up is over some yum-yums. Well unless its someone I'd smack on the head for dating a male-chavounistic-pig!

Feel Good Time. So we've all heard about feel-good food, and I'm a true believer. Through some of my very bad times, low times, i think I've turned to food for comfort. Anything chocolate mostly, ice-cream! and it did make me a feel err "comforted". It did not make me jump out of my chair and do an Ellen - wakakakakah but i felt LOVED. It could be anything and it worked. Lol, that accounts for the two flabby chunk of meat hanging off my legs and ass.

Happy Tours. We went to melaka, on a clinical posting NIGHTMARE but that's a different story. Not that I'm foreign to melaka (got a close aunt there) but I'm probably foreign to the outside-food there. We usually stop by with just enough time for my aunty's amazing cooking. So, when my 3 friends and I were there, our weekends were just spent on EATING! And everyone asked us how melaka was when we got back, and we said, the FOOD was great! A lot of places are defined by its food too. Anyone from anywhere else calls, among the first things i ask them is "how's the food?" Malaysia is a wonderful place, cause of the FOOD! er, only the food?

Doggie Tricks. The only way we house-trained Pepper was by giving her treats every time she did something "good". The only way we thought her to "sit" or "shake hand" was by loading her up with her favourite biscuit every time she got it right.

So FOOD is my good place! when everything else comes crashing down i know where my mom keeps the chocolate chip cookies**

And what FOOD (amongst many other things) must mean to the suffering people in Africa or anywhere else around the world. Think of that too over your next meal, your next plate of 5 ringgit chicken rice, before dumping it into the trash.


  1. this blog jus proves that u r a food person..hahahha..!!! n i am a sleep person, as u guys alwiz say..!! heheee...

  2. lol...sleep person indeed u are!!..ehehehe...and pik yen is another mandy k!!..ehehehhe..u healthy eaters u!!eehehehe
