Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year New Mistakes

Wow, so i guess it's been a while! Well, bad habit die hard i suppose, so this is probably going to keep on continuing, updating my blog frequently at one point then very rarely at another. the new years for me started of quite nicely, with friends and family and loads of dancing!lol, I'll admit that I'm not a very good dancer to start with but heck, who cares? its just pretty amazing to be able to do robot or something even more silly around people you're so comfortable with.

The new place has been OK, miss my old place though, the whole process of changing addresses and urghh...after 20 years tho, i finally have my own room!weird feeling, everything's a lot scarier when you're sleeping all how huge the windows are conveniently for black masked burglars to break in, or how the night lamp makes the most horrible shadows from under your bed, and how if you turn off your night lamp the room is just too dark and someone might be lurking by your cupboard!I'm a scardy cat..thats pretty obvious by now but seriously i hardly spend time in my room anyway, never been much of a ROOM person..i think the only part of having my own room that i TRULY enjoy is the part where i get to decorate it as i like, weirdness and all...

Its the end of my 3 week break, this week being the last, my break probably contributed a lot to the fact that i didn't update this blog too.too busy meeting up friends..cause amazingly EVERYONE is down, from all the mamak's and bbq's were well endless...the same reason this week the only place I'm allowed to go to all involve the walls of my house! I suppose it's pretty nice just sitting at home relaxing and lazing around and all...don't get to do that much once college starts!

Anyway, so the NEW YEAR...i never did make resolutions SERIOUSLY so i did follow or stick to any, this is when u start missing those more SERIOUS bad habits, like smoking or weed or marijuana or shop-lifting or all i can think of is " i shall not bite my nails"....

But resolution or no resolution, everyone hopes a new year holds new beginnings new dreams and hopes. I don't know though, don't see why all that can't just happen anywhere else in the year...symbolism i guess? I think my year is about to go on the same as i have always remembered it, ooo with (hopefully) a LOT of 21st birthday party invitations!hehehe...yeah THAT would make my year!

Right then before i sign off, geethanjali has tagged me in something?lol..not really sure how but i suppose I'm gonna answer a series of questions she goes...

1. How much do you spend for clothes per month?
RM 0!i love clothes but I'm a bargainer.. a SERIOUS one!lol so yeah, don't really shop per month, more of a per season!

2. Who is more important to you?Friends or boy/girlfriend?
Friends and girlfriends!lol..hoes before bros baby!!seriously tho, someone I've known fora few months?over someone u;ve known since u were 13?

3. How often do you think about committing suicide?
A healthy amount

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
Kinda, except maybe when I've been told "not to screw up"

5. How many babies do you want?
lol, not sure if i can really even handle one, i know i want dogs tho and they're just as hard as babies!hehehe...Pepper is my first, and what a baby she is!

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Er, yes!but it is pretty rare so whenever i see one its still "ooohhh ahhhh" for me but then again i do get fascinated easily.
7. What is your goal for this year?
To survive the year...
8. What kept you of being who you are?
Nothing so far, probably why i;ve been in a number of arguments, esp in FORM 6!!you know who u
9. What's a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend like to you?(List 10)
oh my...let's see
1. Funny
2. Good sense of humour
3. Witty
4. Out-going
5. Out of the ordinary
6. Brad Pitt's smile
7. Tom Cruise's fame
8. Johnny Depp's style and macho-ness
9. Batman's Batmobile
10. Possesses any suit with a cape....(grrrr!)
10. What are you really afraid of?
Dark places and death...
11. What are your bad habits?
I bite my nails
12. Is there anything you wanna tell the people who hate you?
Life's too short? ohh and i wanna know WHO u people are!just drop me a line k!
13. State a random fact about yourself
its 9.45am and i have not brushed my teeth
14. What does flying means to you?
Flying...birds, cockroaches, dragons!
15. What do you crave for most currently?
some toothpaste on my toothbrush and then a hot cup of Milo
16. Most unexpected gift you received so far and when?
Three packs of glow-in-the dark decor, a boot shaped coin collector, and a pineapple shaped night lamp with 7 different rhythms!!!ehehhehe...woooho, funky baby!.....oh jz before the new year...
17. Describe the person who tagged you.Honestly.
hehehe...crazy!!heheheh..and funny cz i only have memories of laughing whenever I'm with her!oh and darling-obsessed!
18. What have you done to yourself that makes yourself happy?
lol...TO myself?err....i got myself a haircut that I'm pretty happy about!I cleanse, tone and moisturize?hehe
19. What will you become in another 10 years to come?
A superhero....
20. If you can choose how you want to end your life,how would it be?
Ohhh...well see this was one of my fears, so i don't know! The whole point is to NEVER end your life, immortality..!but well heck, um PAINLESS definitely, after everyones dead, umm in Italy or Paris (never been!) by blowing my brains out?lol, hear its painless but well that's from people who haven't actually blown their brains out!ooohh.....MORBID!
Phewww....that was actually kinda fun!so Geethanjali here u go, i only did it cz u tagged me k!ehheeh..flattered!eheeh....

1 comment:

  1. hehehee...well thank you!
    and owh,i WAS darling obsessed,not anymore..cheeerrss!!

