Sunday, December 19, 2010

Growing Up and Away

As i sat there, all i could think about was the slow moving time and the beautiful stitches on people's shoes. Then it struck me, have i out grown this?

I could no longer understand it. It was as if I was brought back 10 years, and made to live life through those years again. It made me wonder though, is this not okay? That we remain in our youth or childishness and not change because correct me if I'm wrong, the one thing we always ask when it comes to men and boys and boyfriends and husbands is : How/Why did he change?

But thinking about it, i think its worse when people DON'T change. When things seem to be at a halt for more than 10years. Because awesome things and significant learning and wisdom, surely comes with growing? Growing changes someone from a 10 year old girl to a 18 year old woman? But what happens when we reach 18, or 21 or 30 and we never actually changed from being 10 years old.

The world we have today.

We have world leaders thinking life is like a video game where countries could be bombed away and everything would be okay. We get grown ups that don't take responsibility for their actions. We get grown ups who are in fact kids. So how then does a country or a society grow as a whole? That would mean being stuck where we are today, for the next i dunno how many years?

I think even in relationships, its when you don't grow together and think that all you really need is to be stuck in those wonder years of your 20s, that problems and issues seem to creep in. Its when two people grow together,as hard as that may be, and discover new things and new knowledge that they didn't have in their 20s, that's when relationships have a chance of lasting.

So, we need kids who GROW up. We should be able to sit in a group of 15 year olds and then see the difference when we sit in a group of 21 year olds. Shouldn't we?


  1. Kids will grow up find if only we allow them to do so at their own pace. In our society we mold kids to become the adults that we want them to be, so much so that by early 20s they should at least win a Noble Prize. With their childhood taken away during their formative years, the mind retains the same logic and priorities as when they were kids. Notice how most young adults around us react to things around them just like a child would? Impulsively reactive and incapable of expressing themselves adequately. It's a tragic and ultimately destructive reversal of roles.

  2. I would think thats right. Its not so much about allowing kids to just do their own thing i think, its about offering enough opportunities for them, to in fact grow. And yes thats the thing, we have adults who are in fact kids. And there must be a reason why that is.
