Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The whole idea of uniforms, well it never really bugged me a lot, not in the past and as i found out, not now.

We recently got our uniforms, to be worned everyday to college. Now the only part of that statement that actually bothered me was the ," im supposed to wash that pair of uniform EVERYDAY??" We only got a pair.

It was a tad bit UGLI but somehow the idea of uniformity seems okay to me. Its another day i dont have to think what to wear to college. Hate those mornings when you have to carefully calculate how long of a t-shirt you can wear that day cause there would be a practical class but then i'm meeting my friends in Mid Valley so THAT tee wont do, and this is too short and this doesnt have any sleeves!

But it has probably saved a lot of time when it came to presents! You could tell what looks fab on them and what made them go yuck!

Something very Marxism about uniformity that makes me like it. The illusion of equality. I do appreciate the freedom of expression and not going by the rules, but strangely when it comes down to uniforms, it doesn't make me want to hold up a picket sign screaming for it to stop!

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